Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Hello my fellow geeklings! This week I’m taking you through a very simple Bat-Mask craft. The supplies below will yield 8 masks.

You will need:

4          Black foam sheets
2          Pkgs of ¼ in. elastic
1          Stapler
1          Bat-Mask template
1          Pair of scissors

First you will need to print or draw your Bat-Mask template. I designed mine to look similar to Lego Batman’s cowl, but you can sketch out any cowl variation you would like.

Now that we have our template, we can prep our foam sheet. Since each mask is about 6-1/2 in. wide, the standard foam sheet should be able to yield at least 2 masks per sheet. I find it easier to cut the foam in half before I start tracing my stencil onto it. If you want to try to yield more masks per sheet, feel free to ignore this little step and just fit as many as you can on your sheet.

Once you have your foam sheet, trace the template with a blue ballpoint pen. This may sound like an odd choice, but I found that the ballpoint pens draw smoothly on the foam surface and the blue stands out just enough against the black of the foam. Now we want to cut the masks out following the template guidelines we just drew.

This next step is completely optional, but I decided to add a few accents on the masks to make them look less plain. You can do this by cutting out bits of contrasting foam, which is what I did, or by drawing the accents on with a paint pen. I think this just adds a little more character to our Bat-Masks.

Finally our Bat-Masks are ready for the elastic. You can attach the elastic any way you want, but the quickest and easiest way is to staple the elastic to the sides. You can also punch a hole in either side of the mask and tie the elastic through the holes, but this technique may be more likely to rip. With the stapler method, if the elastic breaks, you can just staple it back into place. If the elastic tears the hole you punched for the other method, it will be much harder to fix. Just a little tip for those of you who choose the hole punch method, buy some clear hole reinforcements (little clear circular stickers with holes in the center to reinforce punched holes in documents) to make your masks less likely to break. You can find these at your local office supply store.

Ta-da! Now we have fun Bat-Masks for our little Bat-party goers. Thank you for reading and I hope you come back next month for my newest craft.

Signing Off,

The Craft Nerdess

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